Friday, 16 September 2016

Another look-alike

Another image found on the internet sent for my Look-alikes page.
Thanks to follower Edna Basket Brown for sending this in. 

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Evidence of my growing fame?

I have more thanks to send to two blog followers who have sent me images from the internet and strangely both relating to flying Bosci's. An old post on this blog (find it via the 'Older posts' button at the bottom of the page) tells about my making of my own range of rubber toys. It seems that my fame has reached far enough that I am blessed with the dubious honour of having someone make bootleg (unofficial) copies of my product! Almo Prendagast from Arkansas USA sent me these images found on E-Bay of a crude hard plastic version of a flying Bosci. 

Secondly here is a smashing old polaroid for my 'Lookalikes' page, found on Pinterest and sent by Walter from Skjolden in Norway.

Thanks for these and here's a reminder of my Flying Bosci toys in their packages, available for purchase via this blog.